The above photographs are of a regular PP tip and a BioPointe Low Retention tip. Both have aspirated an aqueous solution with food dye added to allow visualisation of the result. As can be seen, significant amount of sample adheres to standard polypropylene, not normally seen, and therefore usually discarded. The Low Retention tip has transferred virtually 100% of the liquid, resulting in optimum recovery of sample or reagent.
Studies have shown that significant amount of DNA and other long chain molecules can be lost by sticking to the walls of polypropylene products. For such critical applications where the target material is present in very small quantities, the Low Retention option offers researchers a measurable advantage over conventional products. The use of Low Retention tips can also save on valuable research budgets – simply by the elimination of non-visible, expensive reagents being thrown away.
Unlike standard polypropylene products, the internal wall surfaces of BioPointe products are completely free of microscopic imperfections and cavities where such materials adhere. This is achieved through the combination of a modification to the original polypropylene resin and the use of BioPointe’s ultra-smooth, diamond polished molds. The resulting Low Retention range of products virtually eliminates sample fluid retention during sample aspiration and dispensing.
The Low Retention option is available in all Biopointe Universal Fit and Filter Barrier pipette tips plus in some microcentrifuge tubes, where denaturation through binding to the tubes walls in long term storage of DNA is virtually eliminated. All BioPointe Low Retention products are certified to be free from RNase, DNase and pyrogens.

Minimizes sample loss – complete sample retrieval
Save on costly reagents by reducing sample loss
Maximize accuracy and precision
Reduces DNA denaturation